Mostly in the comment section. Ah, well.
This morning, I received an email and its subject line read "Modest Proposal." The writer of this email is my dear, dear, spicy yet sensible friend, Mo. She suggested the following:
So I have thoroughly enjoyed blogfest Feb. I look forward to reading and
laughing every day. I would propose you extend your daily blog to March.
I know, it's not easy, but you will be making your readers...very happy...
No, I didn't realize there was a substance abuse problem either.
I haven't written back yet, as I fear that my email might consist of things like, "HAVE YOU LOST YOUR FREAKING MIND?" As a rule, I don't believe such exchanges result in good will or fellowship of any positive sort. I did come close to clicking the "send" button after typing:
but stopped myself in time.
Here's the thing. I didn't quite make my WIP-writing goal, though it's so close, I can nearly brush it with my fingertips. While using a stepladder. Balanced on one foot. I will reach that goal, very likely in the next few days. Then I must edit and edit deeply if I want that manuscript to appear as if it were worthy of purchase and not just the ramblings of a madwoman.
Hey! Not nice! Not nice at all!
Anyway. After that, I must template/plot/begin my next WIP in preparation for April. No, the month. I do know an April [person] and she's lovely, but I think it's safe to suppose she does not give a rat's fuzzy butt if I ever write another word. Now that I think of it, I'm not sure she knows I write at all. One way or the other, she's not losing sleep over this. It is the month of April for which I prepare.
Dearest, it's not that I don't want to talk to you everyday. It's not that I've run of things to talk about...oh ho ho! Not that. Never that. It's just that daily blogs are a greater challenge than I realized.
Fine. Let's take a vote. All those in favor?