Friday, May 27, 2011

She's Not Spoiled.

She's spoiled rotten.

Tuppence Marie, my wee beastie, was a bargain. No, really. She was. My mother, the Cheapest Woman On The Planet, felt the amount of money I was willing to spend on a puppy from a reputable breeder was unreasonable and instead, found a bargain puppy for me. This was four and a half years ago.

Since then, my baby girl has had necrosis on the head of her femur, femoral head osteotomy, weekly water therapy to rehabilitate the hip, ear infections, dew claw surgery, spaying and endless treatment for skin problems. Yup, she's a bargain!!!

She eats "Limited Ingredient Diet" kibble and is only allowed grain free treats. She is allowed baby carrots and dehydrated sweet potatoes as incentives. She is bathed a minimum of once per week with ketoconazole shampoo. She is known by name at the vet's office.

I have not tallied her actual cost. I am too afraid to do so.

1 comment:

  1. hehehe....yeah, I have one of those bargain pets, too.
    Two, actually. No, wait, three.

    Face, palm.

    Dog 1 is allergic to everything inside and out. Skin/stomach. Add in expensive grain free, non chicken foods and treats. Oh, and the ear infections he's prone too. Gotta love floppy eared dogs.
    Dog 2: Back problems. Could be the SuperGoatMan routine of diving off the couch/chair. Add in ear problems. Not quite a hat trick.
    Dog 3: linebacker knees, both legs, tear ducts that only drain out the front of the eye, not the normal pathway.

    The vet knows me by name as do the dog food people.

    If I totaled up what those three (not counting the cats, mind you), I'd probably end up in a three day hold someplace where they would let me hug myself as I went crazy.

    Your Princess is a doll.

    Mine are hooligans.

    Give that sweet girl a nice yam/sweet potato treat from me.
