Thursday, December 29, 2011

The Search For Next

Darling invisible friend, I need your help. Yes, I will tell you! Seriously, you have to ask? When have I ever held back?

No, that didn't require a reply. Thank you.

Anyway. As I'd mentioned after ending things with Very Nice Person, it is time to meet Next. Ooo! Did I tell you that VNP called me from New York? Yeah. He was in a hotel and feeling lonely.

Mmm. No. I do not operate that way. But we're still friends! Heh.

Back to the point, and yes, I do actually have one. In my quest for Next, I'm utilizing the Mister-Right-Now dating site again. It is free...and I'm pretty much getting what I pay for. But I have a profile up and active there, so why not, right?

Btw, do you think it's telling that my profile was active the whole time I was seeing VNP? Hm. Well, it's neither here nor there, is it?

Now here's my concern--and where I need your help. I'm thinking about updating my profile. I am. I feel like my current profile describes a woman who is accepting and easygoing and really, quite low-maintenance. I have no idea who this woman is, but she seems lovely.

And she's using my picture.

Perhaps I should be a trifle more accurate. The question is, how far do I want to go? Somehow, I think the tagline of "HIDEOUS SELF-SERVING COTFU COW" wouldn't attract a lot of interest.

Then again, as little as I apparently know about men, this may not be the case.

I could just copy/paste the posts I did here of my wants and wishes: The Wish List and The Follow-Up. Or...what? What else could I do?

Darling invisible friend, after all we've been through, surely you have some ideas? Please. Guide me in your wisdom.

After all, Next is out there. Waiting for me.

If nothing else, it'll make for some funny blogs.


  1. My profile pic is of a young, innocent, blue eyed, blonde haired, angel. We both know how accurate that is! Do what you need!

    My christmas letter is up on the blog this year - not sending out. You are welcome to peruse!


  2. "Are you the kind of guy frustrated with women not witty enough to keep up with you, with ladies too demure to offer an honest opinion? Do you like food enough to know the difference between Pho Tai and Faux Thai, and want someone with whom you can watch Iron Chef and shout at the screen when the judges make a bad call? Are you secure enough that you can be around a woman more passionate about hockey than you? Then hey, buddy, have I got someone you should meet..."
